Agape beloved did you know that the entire Bible is written only in the natural time mode? So why are all the most popular Bibles mistranslated in the pagan sidereal time mode? So as a truth loving a conservative Bible student what do you know for certain about your eternal salvation by obeying the Bible when written only in the natural time mode in which the entire Bible is written?
If you do not read only the Ekklesia Bible translation then here is how all the pagan Bibles are mistranslated in sidereal week days of the seven pagan sky gods.
1) The sidereal day of the sky sun god or Sunday.
2) The sidereal day of the sky moon God or Monday.
3) The sidereal day of the sky war god Tue or Tuesday.
4) The sidereal day of the sky war god Woden or Wednesday.
5) The sidereal day of the sky and thunder god Thor or Thursday.
6) The sidereal day of the sky godess Fria or Friday.
7) The sidereal day of the sky god Saturn or Saturday, the sidereal day of the sky god that kills and eats humans.
Devils first make for you their sidereal civil calendar for you to live your entire life in the pagan sidereal time mode. Then Devils mistranslate your Bible in the sidereal time mode to make it near impossible to warn you or to convince you that God has breathed His entire Bible to be written only in the natural time mode. The entire Bible is not to be mistranslated in the sidereal time mode. How much do you know for certain about your civil calendar of the sidereal time mode in the ancient pagan religious calendar in which you live your every day life? Your entire life is lived in the Sidereal time mode of the week days of seven pagan sky gods. Your false translated Bibles are filled to the full of the sidereal week days of the seven pagan sky gods. Is there any wonder why the people of a higher education hate the Bible supposedly written in the pagan religion of the sidereal week days of the seven pagan sky gods. To save your self you must learn the world of difference in the Bible that is written only in the natural time mode from false mistranslated Bibles that are written in the pagan sidereal time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods.
Do you know the names of the seven pagan gods of the sidereal week days of your modern civil calendar is not written just once in the ancient languages of the Bible? The Bible is not written in the sidereal time mode of a week days of seven pagan sky gods. If the Bible was written in the pagan religion of our sidereal week days of the seven pagan sky gods we would be made a pagan and without hope. Because we live our lives in the pagan sidereal calendar this make double hard to discover false Bible translations made by devils in the sidereal time mode.
In my Bible research for this article from out of the ancient languages of the Bible, I was shocked to discover that the translators of the New International Version of the Bible have erased the hard contradictions that are mistranslated in their old NIV Bible translations. The NIV translators have completely eliminated certain Greek Bible words from the Bible to stop the hard contradictions made in their Old Bible translations in the sidereal time mode. Simple and easy to fix hard contradictions that are made by Bible translators misplace chapter numbers to make a Bible deception. To get rid of hard contradictions the NIV translators just remove the words that are written in the Bible to remove the apparent hard contradictions in the NIV Bible. NIV Bible translators will remove any hard contradictions made from the misplacing of chapter numbers such as in Mark 16:1 by removing Bible words. When the Bible translators of the NIV Bible try to fix some of the many hard contradiction in the record of the misplacing of Chapter number in Mark 16:1-2 and in Mark 16:8 the translators of the NIV Bible make their Bible even more a false translation of the Bible from out of the gates of hell. The NIV Bible translators have removed only two hard contradictions they simply remove Bible words and then twist other Bible words to stop the many hard contradictions in their mistranslated Bibles. NIV Bible Translators have made their Bible translation all the more a false translated Bible as a false Bible coming from out of the gates of Hell.
So I go and look at my thirty year Old NIV Bible and sure enough the hard contradiction is still written there but only in the old NIV Bible Translation.
It was shocking to see removing Bible words to stop contradictions I never just once noticed this removal of hard contradiction made by removing Bible words from the NIV Bible. Because today the NIV is such a popular Bible translation, I wanted to use the NIV Bible to show what all false Bibles are teaching false about the resurrection moment of the Christ. Only then I noticed what the new NIV BIBLE translators did when fixing hard contradictions in their Bible they simply remove the written words from the Bible to fix hard contradictions made in their old Bible translations. The translators of the NIV Bible did not fix the problem Bibles that mistranslate a false resurrection moment of the Christ. The removing of NIV Bible words from the Bible made the problem worse. Only then did I discover clearly the new NIV Bible translators show that they do not believe in the Bible when they remove certain Bible words from their Bible records. You can not fix Bible translation problems by removing words and removing near a complete sentence from the Bible records such as Mark 16:8. The NIV Bible is one of the most serious of all false Bible translation even when they remove words from the Bible records to try and stop old hard contradictions in their NIV Bible record of Mark 16:1-2; and also the NIV translators remove the apparent hard contradiction in Mark 16:8; ("The women did not go and tell anyone"). By simply removing the true words that say "they did not go and tell any one" NIV Bible translators fix their hard contradictions. To show that there are hard contradictions in false translated Bible records instead I will need to use the King James Bible translation to show how devils mistranslate Bibles. For people that use the NIV Bible or the King James Bibles I can only say God have mercy on you if you are so ignorant to put your trust to being saved in anything written in any of all the more popular Bible translations?
As a Bible believer for your eternal salvation it is your total responsibility to know for certain who you allow to translate your Bible. Would you care less that it was devils that you allow to translate your Bible? Do you know for certain who did translate your Bible? Everywhere Christ and the prophets have give you warning that Devils are very clever to make false Bible translations to deceive you and to rob you of your eternal life. If you are serious Bible believer and demand truth for your eternal salvation then to be saved we must learn the true resurrection moment of the Christ.
The Bible is written in the natural time mode and the Ekklesia Bible is one Bible that is translated correct in the natural time mode. The Christ in the natural time mode will resurrect at dusk of the evening on the Bible day Mia (day One) of the seven day solar Sabbaton.
In the other Bible translation the Christ is translated to resurrect at sunrise in the pagan sidereal time mode of the first sidereal solar week day of the seven pagan sky gods. Any half a brain that knows the differences between the two time modes will reject any Bible that is written and then mistranslated in the false sidereal time mode of the first week day of the seven pagan sky gods. Then it is easy to see the sidereal time mode is a pagan religious Bible and is nothing more than a pagan philosophy or a Bible made in fiction and superstition. This Bible mistranslated in the sidereal time mode is the main reason why billions of the higher educated people reject all the Bibles that are mistranslated in the sidereal time mode as being nothing more than a pagan superstition.
Know this fact for certain if you worship as a pagan at the rising of the sun god and if you as a pagan was allowed by Christians to translate their Bibles for Christians then you as a pagan would mistranslate the Bibles of Christian to make their Christ to resurrect at the rising of the sun god on the first sidereal week day of the seven pagan sky gods of the week. If these fact are proven to be true when a worshipper of a pagan religion is allow to translate the Bibles of Christians what pagan would not make their Bible translation to be nothing more than a pagan Bible translation. Easy to read History of the Bible is showing very clearly the Christians know and they allow Pagans to mistranslate their Bibles. Pagans worship to keep their Bible day in the sidereal time mode of the pagan week days of the seven pagan sky gods. So do you let devils that keep the pagan calendar of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods to mistranslate your Bibles? Get the facts clearly in your mind if your Christ is made in your Bible translation to resurrect at the rising of the sun god on the first sidereal week day of the seven pagan sky gods then clearly you have let devils translate your Bible that will only make you a pagan in your religious worship to a pagan god. To be made pagan from your Bible translation then your false translated Bible will take you straight to hell. If pagans have mistranslated your Bible to deceive you then do your really think it is impossible for you to be made pagan from a false Bible translation made for you by pagans.
I beg you to make a vow to self and set aside time needed to research the Bible only from the ancient languages of the Bible to learn in what "time mode" is the entire Bible written. Just read the Creation record of the Ekklesia Bible (Gen 1.) Learn the world of difference in the false Bible translations of the "sidereal time mode" of the pagan religious calendar of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods. No one can ever convince you of the truth in the Bible if you refuse to learn the differences between the Bibles that God has breathed to be written only in the natural time mode. Learn the world of difference from Bibles that are mistranslated by devils in the pagan sidereal time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods.
Below we will show just one of the cleverest, adroit and the most dangerous of all false Bible translations made by devils with a purpose to deceive you. Look below at only one of these Bible verses is made with the only purpose to deceive you and this one false Bible translation will rob you of your eternal life because this false Bible translation will change the true resurrection moment of the Christ and change many other Bible translations of the resurrection moment of the Christ.
Take careful note -Anyone of a higher education of the sciences can easily see "if" the Christ did truly resurrect on a sidereal week day of the seven pagan sky gods of the week, then the entire Bible would be nothing more that a pagan philosophy or a pagan superstition. For your eternal life you must discover which Bible translation is made by devils and discover which Bible translation is true? You dare not let anyone deceive you or you will suffer in hell if you do not get this Bible record of Mark 16:1-2 correct in the true resurrection moment of the Christ. Devils that worship the rising sun god of the week want their Christ to resurrect at the rising of the Sun.
Mat 28:1 In the natural time mode the resurrection moment of the Christ was a dusk of the evening on the day one of the seven day solar Sabbaton (a time parallel to dusk of the sidereal Saturday night.)
You must discover which Bible translation is making a false sunrise resurrection on a sidereal week day and making the entire Bible cripple to convince billions of highly educated people that the Bible is from God. In the sunrise resurrection is making The Bible cripple to convince that the good news is from Christ. The entire Bible is made cripple for Billions of honest highly educated people in the modern sciences from this one false Bible translation of Mark 16:1-2. You must discover which false Bible translation is making many hard contradictions in the Bible resurrection records to cause billions of honest truth loving people to hate the false mistranslated Bibles? Do not let devils in their false Bible translations rob you of your eternal life. Many are called but few will ever discover that they have false Bible translations.
Read these two very different Bible translations that give two complete opposite times of the resurrection moment of the Christ. Only one of these two Bible translations is correct. For your eternal salvation I warn you to take serious concern for your salvation and do not stop reading and comparing from the ancient languages of the Bible until you are certain to learn for certain what the true resurrection moment of the Christ is. Download the Ekklesia Bible translation and read the true resurrection record in this true Bible translation. See the Ekklesia Bible translation of Mat 28:1; Mark 16:8; Luke 24:1; John 20:1; Hebrews 1:5-9.
All Popular Bibles read the same in translation of Mark 15:47 Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph[a] were there and saw exactly where they laid the body of Jesus.
See all Bible translations agree with the Ekklesia Bible all are saying the same.
See The King James Bible is teaching the hard contradiction in Mark 16:1-2 the purchase of spices was after midnight of Sunday (on the first day of the [sidereal] week day [of the seven pagan sky gods]. When the Bible is correctly translated then the purchase of spices in Luke 23:55-56 is before the seventh day Sabbath. Look close at this record that is saying the same women will purchase the spices before the seventh day Sabbath. The same record of the women of Mark is the same women that make purchase of spices in Luke 23:56 before the seventh day Sabbath. Then when reading the record of Mark 16:1 that is teaching the purchase of spices is mistranslated by manipulating chapter number and making the record to read the purchase of spices was made after midnight on Sunday or after midnight of the seventh day Sabbath. This false record of Mark 16:1 is easy to see the Bible translator is a pagan Bible translator that believes in the pagan Sidereal time mode. Take careful note this purpose of misplacing the purchase of spices in the wrong chapter number is made in a time conspiracy with the only purpose to deceive you about the true resurrection moment of the Christ. This pagan devil when making the Bible translation by the misplacing of chapter number to make the record say the purchase of spices was after midnight was a very clever to misplacing the purchase of spices in the wrong chapter number to make a false sunrise resurrection of the Christ.
A misplacing chapter number in King James Mark 16:1 when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.
What is amazing this record is true "when the Sabbath was past" is correct but it was the Passover Sabbath that was past and it was -not the seventh day Sabbath that was past as is made in Mark 16:1 to be after the Seventh day Sabbath in Mark 16:1. The Death of Christ was on the day to the kill the Passover the 14th day of the moon Abib. The Passover is to be eaten only in the night of the 15th day of the moon. The finished entombment of Christ was at the Greek "epiphosko" at night (see Luke 23:54) The next day after the crucifixion day starts in the natural time mode at dusk of the evening of the "Passover Sabbath" (the 15th day of the moon Abib). Take note the day to eat the Passover which Passover day is a Sabbath day or only certain work can be done. Bible translators of Mark need to show the women purchase the spices the same as is written in Luke 23:56 after "the Passover Sabbath" but the purchase of spices was before the seventh day Sabbath and it was not "past" the seventh day Sabbath. Then in Mark the purchase of spices must be translated into the very end of Mark chapter 15.
In the pagan sidereal time mode of the first day of the week then the Sabbath day is a false measure in the sidereal week day that ends at midnight. The God of the Bible has no sidereal solar days that begins or ends at midnight. In the natural time mode the end of the Sabbath day is at dusk of the evening of day One of the seven day solar “Sabbaton” (a time parallel to dusk of the sidereal Saturday night). Because the Bible solar days begins in the natural time mode at dusk of the evening there is no word equivalent in any languages of the world out side Bible languages for the Greek Bible word "Sabbaton." From the original Septuagint see Leviticus 23:32b the true seven days solar “Sabbaton” is to be measured from dusk of the evening unto the next consecutive dusk of the evening (see Genesis 1:1-5).
See in the king James version of the Bible this false Bible translation is the hard contradiction against all the written records of the resurrection of Christ. Mark 16:2 And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulcher at the rising of the sun. “The first day of the sidereal week of the seven pagan sky gods is mistranslated in Mark 16:-2. This false record is saying that the women will make the purchase of Spices after midnight of Saturday or on a Sunday morning. This false record will kill any true written Bible records that are teaching that the Christ resurrects at dusk of the evening some six hours before midnight in the Natural time mode. Can you see what happens when the purchase of spices is moved from the end of Chapter 15 to the beginning of Chapter 16? To move the purchase of spices to be after midnight will make the Bible teach that the women did not know the Christ has been resurrected for over twelve hours earlier. Don't stop until you can see what the devils are doing to make a Sunday sunrise resurrection in making this false Bible translation of the purchase of spices after midnight of Saturday at some time on Sunday morning by misplacing the purchase of spices in chapter 16:1 of Mark.
Also see in the King James is this hard contradiction with
other records. See Luke 23:55 and the women also, which came with him from
See another hard contradiction in King James in Mark 16:8 And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulcher; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid. If Christ resurrects after midnight of Sunday then read the hard contradiction in Luke 24:9-11 to Mark 16:8. To fix the only an apparent contradiction is from the false translation problem in Mark 16:1. Fix Mark 16:1 will stop or fix the apparent hard contradiction in Mark 16:8. Now to see the hard contradiction read Luke {24:9} and returned from the tomb, and told all these things to the eleven, and to all the rest. {24:10} Now they were Maria Magdalene, and Joanna, and Maria the [mother] of James: and the other women with them told these things unto the apostles. Can you see what appears to be a hard contradiction in Mark 16:8 and Luke 24:8-9? It only appears to be a hard contradiction because Mark 16:1 is misplaced in the wrong chapter.
Now take note the purchase of spices in the Ekklesia Bible translation of Mark {15:47} And Maria Magdalene and Maria the [mother] of Joses beheld where he was laid. {15:48} And when the [Passover] Sabbath was past, Maria Magdalene, and Maria the [mother] of James, and Salome, bought spices, that they might come and anoint him. Take note in the Ekklesia Bible translation of the purchase of spices is moved back to the end of Chapter 15 (to where it should be) to stop the many hard contradictions in the resurrection records. Fix Mark 16:1 and that will also fix Mark 16:8 in what is made to appear to be a hard contradiction but never was a hard contradiction; because this is the third visit of Maria Magdalene to the empty tomb.
(*In the Ekklesia
Bible translation there is no hard contradiction in the Purchase of spices. See
the parallel record to the purchase of spices in Luke {23:55} And the women,
who had come with him out of
Ekklesia Bible translation of {N2)16} Mark 16. Chapter Sixteen. {16:1} And very early [morning] when [day] One of the Sabbaton [is half past], they [the women] come [again] to the tomb when the sun was risen. (This is the third visit of Maria Magdalene to the empty tomb. See John 20:1; 20:11 and Mark 16:1). The first visit to the tomb and these same women going to tell every one the Christ had resurrect and after the third visit to the tomb there was no need to go and tell anyone (Ekklesia Bible Mark 16:7)
Now look at this hard contradiction Luke 23:55-56 that is found in New King James Bible Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.
This record of King James is misplaced in chapter number by the only man that ha made chapter numbers for all the more populate Bibles is the archbishop of the Catholic church Stephen Langton. See the clever manipulation of Stephen Langton in his false misplacing the chapter number for the purchase of spices in Mark 16:1. "And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him." The archbishop Stephen Langton has made Chapter numbers for all Bibles except for the Ekklesia Bible translation.
Now look at this record that is saying they came to the tomb after sunrise on the first day of the sidereal week day of the seven pagan sky gods. The word "week identified a sidereal time mode of week days that start in the middle of the night according to a north star.
2 And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulcher at the rising of the sun.
This above false translated Bible record is saying the women purchase spices after midnight of Sunday to make the entire Bible to be written in the pagan sidereal time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods. This false Bible translation also is making the Bible record appear to say the women are taking spices on Sunday morning to put on the dead body of the Christ. This one false Bible translation will cause Billions of people to hate the Bible when teaching in the pagan “sidereal” time mode (of seven pagan sky gods of the week) when teaching that the Christ resurrects after midnight of “Sunday.” There is no “Sidereal” Sunday or first day of the week of the seven pagan sky gods written just once in the ancient languages of the Bible. Devils mistranslate Bibles to get a sidereal Sunday or a first sidereal week day of the seven pagan sky gods’ in the resurrection of their Christ.
(Anyone that wants to stand in debate for "the false translation of the sidereal week days of the seven pagan sky gods write your challenge to "Will Wade" Face Book or send your challenge to [email protected] ).
The true translation in the Ekklesia Bible Mark {N2)16} Mark Chapter Sixteen. {16:1} And very early [morning] when [day] One of the Sabbaton [is half past], they [the women] come [again] to the tomb when the sun was risen.
Learn the world of difference in Bibles that are translated in different or opposing time modes. Learn the world of difference between the natural time modes from the sidereal time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods that is mistranslated to make false Bibles. Discover of what religion was the very clever men that made false chapter and verse numbers for Bibles to make a false sunrise resurrection in the mistranslated Bible records? Can you see what was corrected in chapter numbers of these two Bible translations to make the true sunset resurrection moment of the Christ?
Which Bible translation will save you by causing you to gather and to worship either in a sunrise resurrection or cause you to gather and to worship in the sunset resurrection of the Christ? It is your choice you must make for your eternal salvation. The Ekklesia Bible Web Site.