Do you love or hate the Bible? If you hate the Bible do you know why you hate the Bible and refuse to keep all the moral commands written in the Bible? Do you know why the astrophysicists, astronomers and near all the scientists, the doctors of higher education hate the Bible as being just another pagan philosophy or superstition? Astrophysicists, astronomers, and multitudes of higher learning study to learn the difference between the natural time mode and the pagan sidereal time mode. You may save your eternal life by also making this Bible study of the difference in time modes.
Most Bible translators do not know the difference in time modes because they do not study Bible natural astronomical time and natural occurring astronomical time events. Some Bible translators may know the difference in different time modes but they do not see the importance of making a true Bible translation.
Most of the higher educated today hate the Bible because the entire Bible is mistranslated into the pagan religious calendar of the sidereal week days of the seven pagan sky gods. When the Bible is mistranslated into the sidereal time mode of the pagan week days the pagan sidereal time mode totally rips the power of God out of the Bible. Sidereal time mode will never convince the honest and the truth loving higher intellectuals that the Bible is from God.
All Bible days are number named to be interpreted only in the natural time mode. Think of the natural time mode as living all your life without any instruments to measure time artificially from midnight. You start your Bible seven day solar cycle at dusk of the evening or at the same moment the modern astrophysicist are teaching the exact moment of "the Big Bang of creation."' In the natural time mode the resurrection moment of the Christ is on the solar cycle of the same exact moment of "the Big Bang" of creation. Can you see how awesome this truth of the resurrection moment of the Christ is to the astrophysicists when he learns that the Christ resurrects on the solar cycle at the same exact moment of "the Big Bang?" In the natural time mode there are other exact astronomical set time parallels to "the Big Bang" such as the beginning of the all night celebration of Pentecost.
Acts 20:7 in the natural time mode is a gathering of
disciples in
The scientists and those of the higher learning know what the pagan religion of the sidereal week days are but they do not know that when they read their Bibles then "their Bibles are mistranslated" into the sidereal time mode of the week days of seven pagan sky gods. The sidereal system of time keeping is first introduced and mistranslated into Bibles by ruling members of the Catholic Church during the "medieval period".
Can you in all honesty see there is something dreadfully wrong with the Bible that is mistranslated into the sidereal time mode of the pagan religious calendar of the weekdays of the seven pagan sky gods? See the Ekklesia Bible that is correctly translated only in the natural time mode. The Ekklesia Bible is now being downloaded by the multiplied thousands, for free, all over the world from this web site