A Free Ekklesia Bible Download

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New Free downloads of the Ekklesia The Agape Love Bible Translation.

A Bible that translated as it is written to “Agape Love” [from the seat of you human emotion create a genuine benevolent care for the welfare of] your enemy as the God of this Ekklesia Bible agape loves His Enemies [Matthew 5:44-45]. The Ekklesia Bible is the only Bible in the world (That we have been able to discover) that is translated in “the Genesis account of the creation”. The Ekklesia Bible is translated in the “Time mode” established in the creation (Genesis chapter one). All other translated Bibles are translated in the Pope Gregory sidereal “week day” of seven pagan names of seven pagan sky or planet gods. Do you see why you need this Bible translation. Know the truth and only the true will set you free from sin (John 8:32).    We could not get popular translated Bible translators to translate what we understood clearly to be a true translated Bible.  Now when this true translation becomes Popular then watch all other Bible translations begin to make a true Bible translation.  The years of working night and day making this free Bible translation you have no idea.
Even then most of the wording of chapter and the location of verse numbers a great part of  was done by other people.  For the work of others we give them thanks.
Toggle the links below to download the file of  your choice.  These are large files so give them more time to download.  Agape Love
Years of free work, We have done our best to make this free Ekklesia Print version of the Bible.

Contents for The Ekklesia Bible

Toggle red link to Listen or you can download for  free the speaking Ekklesia Bible. God bless and agape love. Coming is a new  update Version.  https://ekklesiabibleproject.com/hear-the-ekklesia-bible/

Take careful note the entire Ekklesia Bible is translated only in the Genesis records of the natural occurring space time mode. All Scientists and the higher educated can accept this true translated Bible as a Bible of science. All cycles of solar days in the Ekklesia Bible begin with the beginning dark of the evening. No longer is the Bible to be made cripple by false translations of the sidereal week days of seven pagan names of seven pagan sky gods like all the popular translated Bibles.


 The Ekklesia Bible is a very large file. If you download then give a long time to complete the download.

The cost of Bible translations today are said by most Bible translating groups to be over one millions dollars for a Bible translation. Others claim two millions dollars is the cost to make their Bible translations. We give the Ekklesia Bible translation away for free because we believe the world needs this the only true agape love Bible translation. We believe the Ekklesia Bible to be valued beyond any money. Read it and then You be the Judge.







Free Download The Ekklesia Bible HTML These are large files give them time to download.


To Listen to the Ekklesia Bible speak toggle the link above.

Agape beloved If you love truth then you will agape love the Ekklesia Bible. In all humility Our Challenge is; who will stand up and debate us “the Ekklesia of Christ’ for the false translated Bibles that teach falsely that the Christ resurrected on the first day of the sidereal (a north star god) “week” of the seven pagan sky gods? For over seven hundred years false Bible translations are made in the sidereal time mode of the week days. Bibles when mistranslated in the sidereal time mode creates the impossible wall between the majority of all scientist, God and the Bible. The last poll; Ninety three percent of all astrophysicists, astrologers, geologist and others hate God and hate the Bible. (See YouTube the celebrated astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. “Can science and religion Coexist.) Scientists and the higher educated hate with a passion all false translated Bibles when they are translated in the pagan sidereal time mode of the week days of the see pagans sky gods. You too should hate all Bibles when they are mistranslated in the pagan religion. The Ekklesia Bible removes the pagan religion of the sidereal time mode found mistranslated in all the more popular Bibles that is making a great wall between most all honest truth loving Scientist and the higher educated. That wall made by false Bible translations in the pagan religion of the sidereal time should separate all honest truth loving scientist from a false god and from a false translated Bible. Christ did not resurrect on a Sunday morning.

Our Introduction Gestalt. The entire Ekklesia Bible is originally written in the natural time mode and must be translated only in the natural time. To be saved you must learn the world of difference between the natural time mode from the pagan religion of “The Sidereal time mode.” All the more popular Bibles are mistranslated in the sidereal time mode that will rob us of eternal life. The Ekklesia Bible is the agape love Bible. The Ekklesia Bible is the only Bible that can unite the Holy People of God. The Ekklesia Bible is the greatest restoration any Bible translation since the late fourth Century. This Ekklesia Bible translation removes all false Catholic Catechism that is found mistranslated in all the more popular Bible translations. All members of the Catholic Church can trust and accept this Ekklesia Bible that is translated in English nearest to the Latin Vulgate Bible of the late fourth century. This Ekklesia Bible is more like the Latin Vulgate Bible first translated by Jerome for the Catholic Church and this Ekklesia is not a Bible made by Catholics to make the Protestants worship in their false Catechism. All the modern popular Bibles are made first by ruling member of the Catholic Church to make all protestants to become a “Church” to worship in the sidereal time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods.

This Ekklesia Bible is closer to one of the Best Bible translations ever made in the original Latin Vulgate Bible for the beginning Catholic Church. Example there is no word “church” written just once in the Latin Vulgate Bible. The Latin word “Ecclesiam” is written near one hundred times in the Latin Vulgate Bible and the Greek word “Ekklesia” is transliterated the same in the Ekklesia Bible. The Latin word “Sabbati” is written in the Latin Vulgate and the Greek word “Sabbaton” is correctly transliterated in the Ekklesia Bible because there is no word equivalent in the English for the Greek Bible word “Sabbaton.” The Sidereal “week” of the seven pagan sky gods is not a word equivalent for the Greek word “Sabbaton” (see Greek Septuagint Leviticus 23:32b). To be saved in the entire world you will not find a Better Bible or a more correct Bible translation than the Ekklesia Bible translation.


Fulfill prophecy and Restore in Bible translations the Ekklesia of Christ.

The Agape love Ekklesia Bible Translation when translated the moment of the creation in the natural occurring space time mode is an exact time parallels to “the Big Bang moment” taught by all modern Science. The problem is there was no “Big Bang” that could be heard by human ears in the beginning of the universe. The Ekklesia Bible translation tears down the great wall between all true proven Science and the Bible. “Ekklesia” is a Bible translation that scientist honestly can not disagree because Scientist teach the same as the Ekklesia Bible in the natural time mode. Atheist want to identify the natural time mode in which the entire Bible is written as their god “Nature” or “natural selection.” A true Ekklesia Bible translation that few Bible translators dare to translate precisely as God through the Bible speaks to us only in the natural time mode. God of the Bible did not invent clocks to keep an artificial sidereal time in Bible records. Take careful note this Ekklesia Bible is translated only in the natural space time mode. Other most popular Bibles are mistranslated in the pagan sidereal time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods.

When you download the free Ekklesia Bible also download this file that tells why we need the Ekklesia Bible. Look in the menu to your left and see this file to the left at the top. Worship God at His Big Dark” moment of creation.” Guaranteed this Bible study to be interesting.

Take note “The Ekklesia Bible translation is made only in the natural occurring scientific time mode. ” No proven science disagrees with time or set times events written in the Ekklesia Bible. All hard contradictions of set time events found in all the popular Bible translations are removed in the Ekklesia Bible translation.

Most Bible students or Bible translators know little to nothing about true “Bible astronomy.” Atheist most certainty do not accept the awesome astronomical miracles that God has made in exact set time parallels over thirteen billions years.

Please listen to the Audio Introduction to the Ekklesia Bible translation when these awesome astronomical miracles when set in exact time solar parallels should amaze the scientist and convince them that the Bible is from God. When any honest truth loving scientist that studies “time” and sees a Bible mistranslated in the artificial sidereal time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods then the honest truth loving scientist should reject such a pagan false Bible translation.

 Study the resurrection moment in this Ekklesia Bible translation. Matthews 28;1; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:1; John 20:1; Hebrews 1:5-9). Look we show the world of difference between truth in a translated Bible that is the differences between heaven and hell. All other Bible translations that are translated into the pagan sidereal time mode of the weekdays of the seven pagan sky gods like your modern pagan civil calendar also is in -sidereal week days of the seven pagan sky gods.

The Ekklesia Agape love Bible can also be identified by modern Scientist as the true “Big Bang Bible of science.” There is no science of any kind of any “churches.” How the pagan word “Church” that was first written into all the popular Bibles is the height of all deceit made by ruling members of the Catholic Church to make the Bibles of Protestants read the same as their Catholic Catechism.

 The Ekklesia Bible is the only translated Bible in the entire world that modern scientist are teaching the same as the Ekklesia Bible is teaching about the true Big Bang moment of creation. Look and stand amazed at the truth of the resurrection moment of the Christ. The exact resurrection moment of the Christ is on the seven day solar cycle of the exact “Big Bang moment” taught by the majority of all sciences. The Ekklesia Bible is proving that when correctly translated in the true “natural occurring time mode” the Ekklesia Bible is the most correct translated Bible in the entire world.

We continually are open for dispute and debate that the true resurrection moment of the Christ is on the exact solar cycle of the exact The Big Bang moment of creation. All New Testament worship was made first in homes on a solar cycle of the Resurrection moment of the Christ at the Big Bang moment of creation in the natural time mode. Ekklesia is “The Big Bang Bible” that by restoring the natural time mode to the Ekklesia Bible translation a true Bible that removes the wall between all proven sciences.

The true translated Ekklesia is the Bible for all scientist and all none scientist. Astrophysicists teach truth about the Bible “Big Bang” the moment of creation, the resurrection moment and the moment that God has set for His holy people to gather to worship at the Big Bang moment of the resurrection of the Christ.


 To download look below at top of the page to the right and toggle the arrow pointing down.



Next Read This Very Important Information about this Ekklesia Bible translation Below



Hear This Short Speaking Introduction about the “Artificial” or the false “Sidereal” time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods that is mistranslated in near all other popular Bible translations. Set your mind to save yourself and learn the difference in the true Bible natural time mode from the pagan sidereal time mode. On the internet run a search to learn about the pagan Sidereal time mode.




Free Audio Ekklesia Bible of the New Testament. Would you like to Listen To The Ekklesia New Testament? We recommend you hear. 1Corinthians chapter 13.

Toggle the link below. You can download and Listen the Entire Ekklesia Bible New Testament. Just toggle this link below.



Do You Let Devils Translate Your Bible?

Listen to Article #1 Do you let Devil translate your Bible? You can download by toggling the three dots.

Take note “The false Bible translation made in the “The Artificial time mode” in astronomy this is the artificial measure of the “sidereal solar day.” Most Bible students know nothing of true Bible astronomy.

No longer Registrations On This Web Site

Again we were forced to shut down registration. We agape love our enemies but not their advertising drug and sexual enhancers on our website and making other serious problems. A Registration on this Ekklesia Bible project website does not mean to say that you must agree with every translation made in the Ekklesia Bible. To register on this Ekklesia website is simply meaning you are willing to take a stand and to speak up for what you believe to be true. That “standing up” for what you believe is the purpose God establishes for His Ekklesia.

We were trying to allow registration open to deliberation again for this Bible translation. Our enemies of the Ekklesia Bible has made it impossible to have an open forum. Agape Contact information for the Ekklesia Bible is Will Wade at [email protected]

Our statistical counter gives the record of 651 visits on this download page from the last edit on October 1 to October 21. From about every country in the world that has the internet we have had a visitor. Outside the United States it is amazing Singapore has visited this site more than any other Country outside the USA. China next. The counter does not give the number of downloads. We are working on this problem.


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