A Free download To Hear The Ekklesia Bible

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Working here. We slow the speech to better understand. This makes very large files and very long times to download. To download these speaking files left (or right) toggle the file with your mouse or pad and select save audio.

01) Matthew
02) Mark
03) Luke
04) John
05) Acts
06) Romans
07) First Corinthians
09) Galatians
010) Ephesians
011) Philippians
012) Colossians
013) First Thessalonians
014) Second Thessalonians
015) First Timothy
016) Second Timothy
017) Titus
018) Philemon
019) Hebrews
020) James
021) First Petros
022) Second Petros
023) First John
024) Second John
025) Third John
026) Jude
027) Revelation