Ekklesia And The New Information Age

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New Proven Scientific Facts of The New Information Age

We have problems in modern proven scientific facts of the new information age that is revealing there are Bibles first translated by members of the Catholic Church in the pagan religion of the sidereal time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods. All the more Popular Bibles are mistranslated in the pagan sidereal “week days” of the seven pagan sky gods.

Look how the New Information age is now fulfilling prophecy that because of false Bible translations of “Bible time” is causing multiplied millions of the Holy People of God to fall away to become unbelievers in the Bible. Holy People by the millions are leaving the Bible and leavening churches that are closing their church doors by the multiplied thousands.  We all live in the new information age but we all do not believe or live in “The New Age movement.” 

The New information age begins to bud near one hundred years ago but the new information age really begins to bloom with the radio, TV and the world wide internet.  New prove scientific facts of the new information age is revealing scientific facts about false translated “Bible Set Time Events.”  New proven scientific facts are revealing false Bible translation and false Bibl translations are “making unbelievers” when facts of new scientific facts in new information should be making more true believers in the Bible.   

Only when Bibles are correctly translated in the natural time mode the new proven scientific fact of the new information age will stop the great falling when we get true Ekklesia Bible translations.     

The new Information begins to bloom in the earlier sixties and seventies in the twentieth century that should be making millions of new believers instead because of false Bible translations that are mistranslated in the artificial time mode these false Bible translations is what makes a world of unbelievers in the Bible. 

Any Bible translation made -before the information age is a “total wipe out” made directly from discoveries of new scientific facts about “Bible Time” by modern astrophysicists and geologists in the new information age. Any old false Bible that is mistranslated in “the artificial sidereal time mode” is headed for the trash heap because of proven facts of scientific discoveries in the New Information age. “Bibles that are first mistranslated by member of the Catholic Church translated in the artificial sidereal time mode of the seven day week of the seven pagan sky gods; such as king James is made to appear to be nothing more than pagan superstition by scientific facts discovered in the new information age.   

The entire Bible is actually first written only in the natural time mode.  All true Bibles must be correctly translated only in the natural time mode to harmonize exactly with the new scientific discoveries of “Bible time” to parallel the facts discovered in the natural time mode in the new information age. All new proven scientific discoveries are found only in the natural time mode. Bibles when correctly translated in the natural time mode, then the scientific prove facts in the discoveries of the new information age will fulfill prophecy and make the most powerful Bibles to convince believers. Only true Bible translations will convince to multiply and will make Billions of more believers than ever to exist on planet earth. Agape.