Ekklesia Bible Restore Truth To The Gospel Of Christ

Second visit of of three visits of Maria Magdalene to the Tomb

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The Ekklesia Bible Restores Power to The Gospel of Christ and that truth should multiply Saints of God by the millions. Restored is the power of truth to convince. In the Ekklesia Bible translation make the study of the death burial and the resurrection moment of the Christ  and see the power of the gospel to convince that the Bible is from God and Christ is the person he said he is.

Ekklesia Bible Restores  At the resurrection moment God the Father Anoints  His son As “The Christ” with the oil of gladness and Exalts His son as “Ho Theos” or “All Mighty God.” At the resurrection moment, God the Father did establish  The Everlasting kingdom of God.  (Hebrews 1:5-9).