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The World’s Last Chance to restore Ekklesia.
We reveal the world’s last chance to restore truth through the Ekklesia Bible Project. This just may be the last warning message you will ever receive from us; “The Ekklesia Bible Project.” I am now ninety years old and the hand for me is writing on the wall. If the people of our God can not be convinced of the absolute need for the complete restoration of Ekklesia Bible translation and if the people of God can not be convinced and begin to conduct the work of restoring Ekklesia to the entire world of professing Christians, this just may be the last warning message you will receive from us.
Look around you, like dead flies, everywhere we watch in horror as the most conservative of all “churches of Christ” are dying on the vine like flies. Thousands of the most conservative of churches have closed their doors forever. With all the modern telecommunication, the phone, Radio, TV. The Internet, why are thousands of the most conservative of churches of Christ closing their doors?
Why is the most liberal or the loosest of “the Churches of Christ” with all their musical entertainment needed to eliminate their boredom in their worship to God, as they celebrate the pagan Christmas together with their Lords supper as a |”break your Fast” A pagan Worship they make to God on Sunday. With all their false church doctrines even the most liberal of the churches of Christ also are struggling just to keep their doors open?
If near seventy five years you have studied this problem of the most conservative of churches of Christ closing their doors, you can come to just only one conclusion, the reason why conservative churches close their door is only because they are |conservative “churches of Christ.” The God of the Bible did not start anything like any kind of any church in the entire world. Today Not one church (that we know about ) conduct selves anything like “the hot militant warfare of the Ekklesia established by God. Any and all churches are nothing like the hot militant warfare of the conservative Ekklesia of Christ. There is a world of differences in conduct of the hot militant warfare of the Ekklesia when compared to a “Church.”
All churches were started in the early fourth century by the Roman emperor Constantine because Constantine stopped allowing the conduct of Ekklesia (the Latin Ecclesiam). Today not one “church” is conducting self as the conservative Old And New Testament Ekklesia established by God from the foundation of the earth.