Why Scientist Hate God And The Bible

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Agape beloved, the entire Bible in the ancient languages is written only in the natural time mode but now all popular Bibles are mistranslated in the sidereal time mode by removing the Bible word “Sabbaton” and adding the word “Week” and misplacing the purchase of spices in Mark chapter number 16:1-2 together in the wrong chapter. The purchase of spices should be placed at the end of chapter 15.

When the Bible is translated correctly in the natural time mode, then the Bible is teaching the exact time parallel precisely to the Big Bang moment taught by all scientists. All astrophysicists are highly educated in the measuring of “time.” Near all honest truth loving particle astrophysicists in the USA do not believe in the Bible because they do not know the Bible is mistranslated in the “Sidereal” time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods. The same poll is teaching that only seven percent of all scientists believe in a God.

Near all Scientist hate God and hate the Bible in the most part because the Bibles are mistranslated in the sidereal time mode of the week days of the seven pagan sky gods. The same poll is teaching that only seven percent of all scientist in the USA believe in God. All Bibles that are mistranslated in the Sidereal time mode start the day in the middle of the night when the proven scientific fact is “The Big Bang Moment” starts at the -beginning of the night, at dusk of day one in the natural time mode.

When the Bible is translated in the natural time mode the beginning of day one of the Sabbaton the Christ resurrects at dusk of the evening. Do not overlook this fact, Christ resurrects on a solar cycle of the proven scientific facts of the solar cycle of the Big Bang moment of the creation of the dark. There are other Bible time parallels to awesome astronomical miracles of God created to parallel the exact Bible Big Bang moment of creation. Whatever you do, do not overlook these facts that create a great power in “The Good News” of Christ to convince the Bible is from God.

The false Bible of the seven pagan sky gods, the Big Bang moment of creation of the dark energy and dark matter mistranslated in the sidereal Bible does not parallel proven scientific facts of the true Big Bang moment of all science or the Big Bang moment of the true translated Bibles.

The majority of all people believe in the majority of the scientists before they will believe in a preacher of the Bible of the sidereal week days of the seven pagan sky gods. The majority of all people from false Bible translations are made to hate God and hate the Bible. When the Bible is mistranslated in the sidereal time mode it will never have any success to convince the majority of scientists or the majority of the higher educated people that the Bible is from God.
If you love truth save the illustration below and study carefully.
Agape beloved if you can understand these facts then pass them on with the illustration below. Agape